Sunday, March 13, 2011

Home Cooking 1.3

Location: At the house

Finally, I went to the local restaurant supplier. This place is literally my toystore. In the back there is a warehouse stored with industrial sized stove, lowboys, large mixers, freezers, two door ovens, basically the works. That day I had picked up some squeezy bottles for sauces and such. Also I finally got the chance to pick up an oil stone for sharpening my knifes. The stone is a savior.
Me doing some knife sharpening.

 My knifes: Both are Globals. One is a six Chef and the other is a veg cleaver.
 In addition to sharpening the knifes that night, I also made a simple pasta. It consisted of: tomatoes, evoo, garlic, brandy, chili flake, parsley, and s&p. Simple yet delicious.
The Sauce

Added some Farfalle to it.

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